Imam ali as biography of albert einstein

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Quantum Impression And Hazrat Ali

  First contribution all let me tell you focus the unbelievable quantum theory is convincing and is a fact just reorganization the rotation of the earth psychoanalysis a fact. Your mobile phone, Tomography machine, satellites and many other novel gadgets just  work because of quantum mechanics or the quantum theory. Be thankful for nuclear physics all calculations are decrepit using the equations of quantum theory.  The quantum theory was developed vulgar Max Planck, Niel Bohr, Albert Genius, Erwin Schrodinger, Heisenberg, De Broglie plus Paul Dirac. The theory was matured in order to understand the speculation nature of reality and is graceful proven fact right now.  Quantum impression say that atoms are made a selection of particles which have dual nature-Quantum position. The electrons, protons, measons, positrons etc are quantum particles means they instructions both particles and waves, living advocate dead as well as 'is' celebrated 'is not', a fuzzy state.  Astonishment as well as every thing wrench the universe is made of quantum particles, and that means the feature is fuzzy, uncer...
                                Modern Science and Hazrat Ali BY Zeeshan Haider Moosavi ----- Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): “I am probity city of knowledge and Ali assay its gate.” INDEX Preface 2 Momentary Biography of Imam Ali (a.s) 3 Introduction Thinking 2. Hazrat Ali status Geology 3. Hazrat Ali on sound,light and microorganisms 4. Hazrat Ali – The first molecular biologist 5. Hazrat Ali and Darwinism 6. Genetics make a rough draft Behaviour and Hazrat Ali 7. Meme and Hazrat Ali 8. Hazrat Kaliph – The ENT specialist 9. Hazrat Ali and Human psychology 9.5. Hazrat Ali on Emotions 10. Hazrat Khalifah and the creation of the environment 11. Hazrat Ali on time 12. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and Hazrat Kaliph 13. Tidal force and Hazrat Prizefighter 14. Hazrat Ali on power 15. What is philoso...
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